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Established on August 1, 2020, the Center of Interdisciplinary Studies is one of the divisions of the Mt. Dawu College. It is aimed to promote interdisciplinary teaching, to plan and offer various interdisciplinary courses, microcredit courses, credit programs, and to conduct interdisciplinary dialogues and exhanges.

There are currently four interdisciplinary credit programs provided: the Media Creation and Application Credit Program, the VR/AR Interactive Design Credit Program, the Disabled Adult Care Creation Industry, and the Loal Creative Developer Credit Program.

  • The Media Creation and Application Credit Program aims to cultivate students' ability of creating audio-visual media.  Completing specific works, students taking this program will have the creativity and communication skills of media, which can then be applied to other fields. 
  • The VR/AR Interactive Design Program aims to cultivate talents of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality. From the step-by-step practical operation courses as well as the professional training of programming and topic-based exercises throughout the program, students taking this program will be more competitive in the job market.
  • The Disabled Adult Care creation Industry Credit Program aims to cultivate eduation and protetion personnel of multiple knowledge and capabilities for the service organizations of the diabled. It is to train talents for service programs for the phyially or mentally disabled, and business personnel for the care industry for the disabled.
  • The Local Creative Developer Credit Program aims to cultivate interdisiplinary talents for promoting loal creation in the country.  Students taking this program will have the ability to integrate loal knowkedge system as well as the business operation mechanism, so as to effectively solve the diffiulties of local development.


In the future, our center will continue to plan for new interdisciplinary credit programs, so as to meet the needs of the times.


Objectives and Vision

▲For Students

 To implemente interdisciplinary learning, cultivating multiple expertise and multiple apabilities.

▲For Teachers

 To promote interdisiplinary dialogues, establishing a professional communities of teachers, and to conduct interdisiplinary exchanges between teahers in the form of book clubs, worshops or seminars.

▲For The School

 To break down the barriors of department, promoting interdisiplinary education.